First Greek F-16 to be upgraded to Viper class arrives in Texas

First upgraded F-16 "in the Greek skies"

The first upgraded F-16 aircraft of the Greek Air Force is now in Texas and at the Lockheed Martin Aero facility.

The upgrade to the Viper version is a collaboration between the Hellenic Defense Industry (EAB) and Lockheed Martin.

In Texas, all the necessary ground and flight tests will be performed, including simulation in special cabins, to determine that the aircraft meets all the necessary specifications.

Another six F-16s will pass through for upgrades in the next few days.

After the completion of the flight tests, the fighter jet will return to Greece while in the next period the next six aircrafts will be upgraded.

In total, 84 of the Greek fighter jets by 2027 will be upgraded to Viper class.

For each of them, the upgrade process takes nine to eleven months.

For the next six years, about 12 Air Force F-16 aircraft are expected to be upgraded at the same time.

READ MORE: First F-16 Viper on its way to USA.