Heroes of 1821: An Exhibition by Angela Kiki Konstantinopoulou

The Heroes of 1821: An Exhibition by Angela Kiki Konstantinopoulou

The Heroes of 1821: An Exhibition by Angela Kiki Konstantinopoulou

The heroes of Greece’s War of Independence was the theme of the latest exhibition by artist Angela Kiki Konstantinopoulou,  which opened on Saturday 27 February at the Campbelltown Arts Centre.

An initiative of the 1821 Organising Committee of Macarthur Greeks, the "Heroes of 1821" art exhibition by Konstantinopoulou was attended by Camden Council Mayor Tereza Fedeli, Woolloodele Council Mayor Robert Khan and Campbelltown Council Mayor George Brticevic, among others.

Inspired by the Greek War of independence, the exhibition is one of many cultural initiatives taking place around the world, culminating in the celebration of the 200th  anniversary of the Greek Revolution which brought freedom to the people of Greece from the 400-year  Ottoman occupation, and was the beginning of the modern Greek State.

Representing the Consul General of Greece in Sydney was Press Counsellor at the Public Diplomacy Office of the Consulate General of Greece in Sydney, Mr Konstantinos Giannakodimos.

In his speech Mr. Giannakodimos conveyed a message of support from the Consul General of Greece in Sydney, Mr. Christos Karras and continued with praise for the artist and her artwork.

“Today I would like to address a historical fact, which is particularly important for the formation of national consciousness among Greeks of recent years. But not from the perspective of an historian, but from the perspective of art and especially painting" said Mr Giannakodimos.

"Through her art,  Angela Kiki reveals another perspective of the protagonists of the Greek War of Independence. The main characteristic of Angela’s paintings is the vitality that emanates from the colours and the expression of the protagonists.

“This vitality travels us back to the climate of the time. Her style – one
might say - meets that of Francesco Pige but her technique is definitely

“I think Angela's artistic endeavour is another talented brush stroke in the larger ‘painting’ called Historical Memory. So that we do not forget the past and look to the future ". concluded Mr Konstantinos Giannakodimos.

According to the artist, the visual representation of the Greek Heroes of 1821 is of paramount importance as it will play an instrumental role in educating and familiarising the younger generations with our Greek history and heritage.

"Heroes of 1821” will be exhibited in Canberra later this month.


  • What: 1821: An Exhibition by Angela Kiki Konstantinopoulou
  • Where: Hellenic Club of Canberra (Matilda St, Phillip ACT 2606)
  • When: Saturday 20th-Sunday 21st March 2021
  • Event Facebook Page
*More on GCT: Photos of the heroes of the 1821 Revolution adorn major street in Athens
GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.