Preveza celebrates 'Apokries' amid pandemic

Preveza celebrates 'Apokries' amid pandemic

Preveza celebrates 'Apokries' amid pandemic

Preveza's renowned 'Apokries' (carnival) celebrations took place on Thursday, but without the usual crowds in attendance.

Apokries is a time to celebrate before the reverent period of lent commences (this year: Monday 15 March).

Preveza celebrates 'Apokries' amid pandemic

The festivities combine circus and mask elements with public street parties.

Floats, giant decorated cars, carts and coaches, and colourful paper mache figures would normally be watched by crowds on the streets and from the balconies of apartments.

Preveza celebrates 'Apokries' amid pandemic

However everything was cancelled due to lockdown restrictions designed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

According to Prevezanews, carnival organisers with their cars conducted their own mini (covid safe version) carnival procession, making the city, even for a while, feel that it is in the heart of the Apokries.

Preveza celebrates 'Apokries' amid pandemic

At the same time, citizens partook in the celebrations from their windows or their balconies.