The Minister of Immigration and Asylum, Notis Mitarakis, highlighted that Greece 12 months ago protected the European Union from a Turkish-instigated migration crisis at Evros.
“Migration flows have decreased by 90% now,” said Mitarakis, adding that “in the last eight months, more people are leaving than coming.”
“Immigration is no longer the number one problem, as it was in the days of SYRIZA,” he continued.
“We have many opportunities, from now on, to discuss Turkey,” Mitarakis said.
“One of them is the joint Council of Ministers of Interior and Immigration on Monday, where we will talk about Turkey,” the minister told SKAI.
He added that “Turkey is trying to negotiate a better relationship with the EU but unfortunately follows a strange tactic. It goes one step forward, one step back.”
“The neighboring country must stop the flow and accept the returns of those who are not entitled to international protection,” Mitarakis continued.
“Europe will give Turkey a roadmap for taking positive steps,” adding “beyond that, Turkey must know that Europe will be against it if it does not abide by what has been agreed.”
The minister also pointed out that “Turkey must choose which policy to follow.”
Moving towards the accusations leveled against the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), the minister said it was part of the Left’s war.
FRONTEX are accused of breaking international law in their efforts to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the European Union.
“The European Left is waging war against FRONTEX in the European Parliament, trying to limit its ability to protect Europe’s borders,” he said.
“FRONTEX must and does follow European regulations, but its role is to prevent illegal entry into Europe,” he concluded.
READ MORE: Dendias says Turkey’s Russian-built Akkuyu nuclear power plant could be a new “Chernobyl.”