Ambassadors to Greece read poems for Independence Day (VIDEO)

Ambassadors to Greece read poems for Independence Day

Ambassadors to Greece read poems for Independence Day

The ambassadors of France, the USA, Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland and Romania, read poems to commemorate the bicentennial of the Greek War of Independence.

The video was presented by the President of the Hellenic Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou in Athens on Sunday.

“The Greek Revolution against the Turkish oppressors inspired the poets of the West with lyrics that were so ecstatic, so moving,” she posted on Facebook.

“In the revolt of the Greeks against the power of an empire they (the poets) saw transcending fear, subjugation, and slavery; (they) even (saw) the limits of the existence per se, since from one moment to the next, ordinary, everyday people were transformed into heroes who gave everything for the militant realisation of the ideal of freedom,” she added.

The video also highlights the links that connect Greece and other Western nations, whose poets were inspired by the culture, heritage, political ideals and the struggle of the Greek people for independence.

*More on GCT: French Rafale jets will fly over Athens on Greek Independence Day
GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.