1.5 million COVID-19 vaccinations in Greece next month


Health Minister Vassilis Kikilias believes Greece is heading towards the end of the tunnel in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Minister of Health stressed that everything points to the fact that the situation with the pandemic in Greece will improve in the near future.

He also noted the role of increased vaccines and tests that will be performed from April.

Greek Prime Minister receives second dose of covid-19 vaccine
Greek Prime Minister receives second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

“We have every reason to believe that we are moving in the right direction and soon we will be able to take our lives back,” he said in speaking with SKAI.

“If in the first three months [of this year] we did 1.5 million vaccinations, in April alone we will do 1.5 million,” said Kikilias.

Vassilis Kikilias

He also underlined that Greece proved wrong all those who said that the health service would not be able to cope with the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

READ MORE: Greece registers 1,496 new coronavirus infections on Friday; 707 in ICUs nationwide.