Albanian Presenter: We didn’t celebrate Greek Independence Day, is Albania a Taliban country?


A well-known presenter in Albania caused controversy because he highlighted that the whole world, except his country, celebrated Greek Independence Day last week.

A clip of Arian Çani speaking about this on television was blocked after controversy when he questioned whether “this country is of the Taliban.”

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Ειδοποίηση αντιστοίχισης πε... N. Βορειοηπειρωτών CKIan|HD BLOCKED Κανείς δεν ευχήθηκε στην Ελλάδα TV KLAN CP To βίντεό σας από τη Σελίδα του χρήστη Νεολαία Βορειοηπειρωτών μπλοκαρίστηκε επειδή μπορεί να περιέχει μουσική, ήχοή βίντεο που ανήκει σε τρίτους. To βίντεό σας αντιστοιχεί σε 1 λεπτό και 9 δευτερόλεπτα από βίντεο που ανήκει στον κάτοχο, TV Klan CP.'

Çani exposed Albania for its hypocritical indifferent attitude towards the 200th anniversary of the Greek War of Independence, implying that Tirana is completely in line with Turkey.

The presenter has been in the spotlight many times because of his Greek origin through his mother’s family.

He said:

“No one wished Greece for the 200-year-anniversary of its National Day.

“The whole world dressed in the Greek flag, a beautiful flag of white and blue!

“Only in Albania I didn’t see any wishes!

“I turned on all the media and didn’t see any congratulations… and was surprised!

“Not long ago Turkey had a simple celebration, it was not a 100 or 200 year anniversary, and the Albanian government lit the Turkish flag at the university (in Tirana).

“Yesterday was the National Anniversary of Greece and… nothing!

“I wondered: in this place they must hate the neighbouring state a lot because there is no way a word could not have been said… BUT NOTHING!

Arian Çani.

“But to wish a Happy Anniversary to the neighbouring country, where many Albanians live and whom we greet because they watch us a lot in Greece, we thought we would be presented with some beautiful images!

“See how the whole globe dressed in Greece’s colours?

“Almost the whole world wished Greece a happy birthday.

“No one made a congratulations in this Taliban place!”

READ MORE: Dendias meets with Greek National Minority members of Albania.