President visits vaccination centre in Athens

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Vaccination is the only solution available to all to return to normalcy, Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou said on Wednesday, during a visit to the vaccination center of Elliniko, south of Athens.

Vaccination is the only solution available to all to return to normality, Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou said on Wednesday, during a visit to the vaccination centre of Elliniko, south of Athens.

Sakellaropoulou was given a tour of the center, which is opening on Thursday along with another 23 such centers. She was welcomed by Deputy Civil Protection Minister, the Greek National Defense Chief of Staff, the Primary Health Secretary General and the Mayor of Elliniko-Argyroupoli.

“The collaboration of the Armed Forces and the Citizen Protection Ministry provides this impressive achievement,” the president said during a tour. “The pandemic continues, and vaccinations are at this point the only solution provided to all to return to normalcy. Our fellow-citizens must get vaccinated the soonest possible, especially as they have expressed their intention to do so,” she added.

Greece registered 3,616 new coronavirus infections in the last 24 hours, with 20 of these identified at entry points to the country, the National Public Health Organization (EODY) reported on Wednesday.

Greece has confirmed 263,689 infections from the pandemic’s start (daily change: +1.4 per cent). In the confirmed cases of the last seven days, 97 of them are related to travel from abroad, and 2,511 to other confirmed local cases.