New playground and bicycle lane set to be constructed at Piraeus Port

Piraeus Port

New playground and bicycle lane set to be constructed at Piraeus Port

The Piraeus Port Authority, a member of China’s COSCO Shipping group, announced the donation of a modern park to the local community.

The new recreation area of about 8,000 square meters will be constructed close to the cruise terminal and will include a model playground, a bike path and a parking lot.

PPA Chairman Yu Zenggang presented the project to Piraeus Mayor Ioannis Moralis and Deputy Shipping Minister Kostas Katsafados during a meeting last week.

New playground and bicycle lane set to be constructed at Piraeus Port

“PPA always seeks to support local communities and improve the living standards of citizens in the surrounding municipalities. Upon the completion of this project all citizens will have access to a beautiful area in the port. Families will be able to enjoy with safety their visit at the port of Piraeus,” Zenggang said.

The project which is estimated to cost around €1.5 million, will be covered entirely by the Chinese investors.

Piraeus Mayor Ioannis Moralis welcomed the announcement.

“It is a day of joy for Piraeus, a beautiful day. This is another step that shows what we can achieve when we have good cooperation. I am optimistic that we will have more such actions and collaborations with the port’s administration,” he said.

Greece’s port of Piraeus is the Mediterranean’s top container-handling port.

New playground and bicycle lane set to be constructed at Piraeus Port

New playground and bicycle lane set to be constructed at Piraeus Port

New passenger disembarkation platform at Piraeus port
GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.