U.S.-Turkish relations appear to be entering their worst phase since Joe Biden formally acknowledged the Armenian Genocide.
Despite this development, which is a consequence of the irritation that Ankara has caused for Washington, and not only, it is not entirely clear how far it can go.
According to George Filis, a professor in Geopolitics and European affairs, the move by the American president puts Turkey on a “black” list in its relationship with the United States.
“It enters a list that is not at all honorable, with all that this implies mainly in the issue of compensations but also what young people will learn about the Ottoman state and the new Turkish state,” he said on MEGA.
More important, however, is the fact that the U.S.’ recognition of the Armenian Genocide, “the way is opened in Greece to proceed with its campaign for the recognition of the Genocide of the Greeks of Asia Minor”.
However, this U.S. move is expected to create more tension in the southeastern Mediterranean region, with the Turkish president already having “attacked northern Iraq.”
Of particular importance is the White House reference to Constantinople, since this name was used in the announcement.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan seems to be in dire straits in terms of his alliances with both the Americans and the Russians.
“He sowed winds and will reap storms for himself and for Turkey,” Filis said, describing him as “one of the most dangerous people on the planet.”
“Kim Jong Un is a kitten in front of him,” the professor concluded.
READ MORE: F-35 and Armenian Genocide recognition causes “headaches” for Erdoğan.
On Facebook you can find a page created by a great young man who has documented many many thousands of pages of evidence and housed it all under the one roof. The Greek Genocide Resource Centre, on facebook, is a must for all patriots and Philhellenes. Only a mad man would ever look at what he has there and yet still contend anything other than the truth. The Turks committed GENOCIDE.