‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia

‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia

‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia

Over four days, hundreds of people from across Adelaide attended ‘The Evzones Collection’ by Nick Bourdaniotis at the Holy Monastery of St Nectarios, Croydon Park.

The exhibition has been described as nothing short of mesmerising.

Through his lens, Mr Bourdaniotis has captured the feeling and passion we all have inside of us for our Greek heritage. That strong love and emotion we can’t describe in words.

‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia

Exhibition photographer and producer Mr Nick Bourdaniotis has also used the exhibition as a platform to give back to various community groups.

The Adelaide leg of the exhibition raised $5,000 for the Central Philoptochos of the Archdiocesan District of Adelaide.

‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia
Left to Right: Mr Harry Foundas, Mr Nick Bourdaniotis, Mr George Diakomichalis and Fr Jeremy Krieg

The silent auction photo entitled "From Marbles to Mountain", was jointly awarded to George Diakomichalis and Harry Foundas.

‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia

Exhibition Director George Karantonis and Exhibition curator Eirini Alligiannis were overwhelmed at the opportunity to exhibit this collection within the grounds of the Holy Monastery of St Nectarios.

‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia
*Musicians and dancers from the Cretan Society of SA (left) and the Pontian Brotherhood of SA (right), together with dignitaries and event organisers
‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia
*Left to Right: Consul General of Greece in Adelaide Mr George Psiachas, Fr Jeremy Krieg and Mr Nick Bourdaniotis

‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia

The Adelaide launch of the exhibition took place on Friday, April 23.

In attendance was His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope, Archepiscopal Vicar for the Archdiocesan District of Adelaide; Mr George Psiachas, Consul General of Greece in Adelaide; Hon David Pisoni MP, Minister for Innovation and Skills, representing the Government; Hon Tom Koutsantonis MP, Member for West Torrens, representing the Leader of the Opposition; Hon John Dawkins MLC, President, Legislative Council of SA, and Mrs Sheila Dawkins; Hon Geoff Brock MP, Member for Frome; Ms Mary Couros, Acting Lord Mayor, representing The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of Adelaide; Sandy Verschoor and the City of Adelaide; Mr Steve Georganas MP, Federal Member for Adelaide; Lieutenant Colonel Dave Edmonds, Commander 9th Brigade, and Mrs Sophie Edmonds; Acting Assistant Commissioner Lynden Dunstan, representing the Police Commissioner Mr Grant Stevens and Mayor Angela Evans, City of Charles Sturt.

‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia
*Left to Right: Mr Nick Bourdaniotis, Exhibition curator Ms Eirini Aligiannis, His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope and Exhibition director Mr George Karantonis
‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia
*Left to Right: Fr John Choraitis (Parish Priest – Nativity of Christ Port Adelaide), Fr Panagiotis Kouvoussis, (Parish Priest, Holy Monastery of St Nectarios), Fr Jeremy Krieg, His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope, Fr Christodoulos Vasilaris (Parish Priest, St Andrew’s Noarlunga) and Mr Nick Bourdaniotis
‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia
*Left to Right: Lieutenant Colonel Dave Edmonds, Commander 9th Brigade, Mr Nick Bourdaniotis, Mr Lynden Dunstan, Acting Assistant Commissioner Representing the Police Commissioner Mr Grant Stevens

‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia

A highlight of the opening was the joint performance by the Pontian Brotherhood and Cretan Association of SA – a rare occurrence in Australia and the first time it had been done in Adelaide.

The traditional dances complemented the tradition embodied by the collection.

‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia

‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia

‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia

The event's host, Fr Jeremy Krieg (CEO of the local sponsor the Greek Welfare Centre of SA – St Philothei), spoke about the significance of the Evzones and the Greek Revolutionary spirit from the perspective of an Orthodox person of non-Greek heritage, noting how they exemplify the mindset of "first for the [Orthodox] faith".

‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia
*Mr George Psiachas, Consul General of Greece in Adelaide

On his part, Mr George Psiachas, the Consul General of Greece in Adelaide, spoke about the task of a photographer being to "apothanateizi" ("immortalise") a moment in time, and complimented Nick on his ability to do this.

In his speech, His Grace Bishop Silouan said: "This is a flagship event [of the Archdiocese's 200-year celebrations of the Greek Revolution], and a cornerstone to all the events that have taken place and that will follow."

‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia
*His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope
‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia
*Mr Nick Bourdaniotis

For Mr Bourdaniotis, one of his most memorable moments in Adelaide occurred in 2019 when the Greek Presidential Guard (Evzones), for the first time in history, stood guard and marched with the Epitaphio at St. George Church on Good Friday.

‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia
*St Basil’s Nursing home residents

‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia

So far, ‘The Evzones Collection’ has raised $25,350 for local schools and charitable causes.

‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia

The exhibition was wonderfully curated by Eirini Alligiannis, who worked in, around and with the Monastery to bring it altogether during one of its busiest weekends.

The exhibition is included in the calendar of the National Committee for the 200 years of Greek Independence 1821-2021, under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia.

‘The Evzones Collection’ raises over $25,000 for charities across Australia

National Tour Schedule:
  • Brisbane: July 30th – August 1st The Greek Club Brisbane
  • Sydney: TBA Hellenic Club Sydney, Beta / The Grande Level 2
  • Darwin: TBA
  • Perth: November 19th – 21st November

For more information or to buy:

For more information go to https://greece2021.com.au/evzones/ or email evzones@greece2021.com.au

Own the entire exhibition in a collector’s premium coffee table book:

Adelaide to host stunning exhibition of Greek Presidential Guardswww.greece2021.com.au

Buy individual photos here:


*Photographs by George Karantonis- Founder/Creative Director of Image Smart and Gerry Canatselis - GCanatselis Photography (Copyright)

*More on GCT:  “The Evzones Collection” raises $15,000 for the Greek School of Canberra