Central Macedonia Regional Director Apostolos Tzitzikostas signed the final approval for the installation of solar panel (photovoltaic) systems at monasteries on Mount Athos, as the preparatory work has been completed.
Each of the 21 monasteries and their corresponding affiliated housing will be fitted with individual systems that will altogether reduce the all-male monastic community's dependence on oil and wood.
Budgeted at €13 million, the project will be funded by European Union funds for the region and is expected to reduce energy consumption by 4 million kilowatt-hours per year.
All 21 systems have a production capacity of 2,635 kilowatts peak.
Visiting Sacred and Holy Mount Athos
In 2018, GCT spoke to 23-year-old Dimitri from Sydney, Australia, who visited Mt Athos and experienced a journey like no other.
“It’s something every man needs to do in their lifetime, especially for someone that is spiritual. You have to experience Mt Athos for yourself to understand the benefits you gain on a spiritual, mental and emotional level.”