Investigators question suspect of murder

glikanera skaitv

A 30-year-old man who was stopped trying to leave Greece for Bulgaria with forged travel documents has been transferred to police headquarters in Athens and is being questioned by investigators as one of the key suspects in last week’s brutal robbery-homicide in the suburb of Glyka Nera.

The 30-year-old Georgian national, who was arrested in northeastern Greece on Saturday, is believed to be one of a gang of four that broke into a young family’s home last Wednesday, killed the dog, tied up the 32-year-old husband and murdered the 20-year-old wife, in the presence of their 11-month-old baby.

He is reportedly suspected of last week’s incident due to his involvement in another violent robbery the previous year in Pikermi, another remote Athens suburb. The house’s elderly residents and their housekeeper were viciously beaten.

According to sources, the Citizens’ Protection Ministry has asked prison authorities for a list of felons convicted of burglary released in the last three months. The list of some 100 names contains around 20 or 30 suspects whose crimes have also included extreme violence.

More to come.