The Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB) natural gas pipeline will not become operational until June 2022, the Bulgarian energy regulator announced on Wednesday.
“We have given our consent to the request of the ICGB to extend the deadline for the start of operations of the IGB to June 30, 2022,” said Ivan Ivanov, head of Bulgaria’s energy regulator.
The IGB has been characterised as a project of “national importance” by Greece under Law 4001/2001, as well as by the Council of Ministers of Bulgaria.
The IGB will be connected with the Greek national gas transmission system in the area of Komotini, northern Greece, and the Bulgarian national gas transmission system in the area of Stara Zagora.
According to ICGB, the covid-19 pandemic and the need for additional environmental assessment for a crossing under a dam in the Bulgarian stretch, delayed the construction of the pipeline.
The length of the IGB gas pipeline is estimated at 182km, of which 151km is in Bulgaria and the remaining 31km in Greece.