Greece encourages young adults to be vaccinated by handing out €150 Freedom Pass

COVID-19 Freedom Pass vaccine greeks

Digital Governance Minister Kyriakos Pierrakakis referred to the prepaid Freedom Pass that will be given to young people aged 18 to 25 on their smartphones, when they are vaccinated, a €150 voucher.

As the minister said, “we encourage young people to travel and attend cultural events.”

The Freedom Pass will be available before the last third of July for those born between 1996 and 2003 who are either fully vaccinated, have got their first shot of the vaccine or scheduled a vaccination.

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Pierrakakis explained that the amount can be used for purchases via e-commerce, e-shops and for all POS transactions.

It will be targeted toward specific activities, such as as air and sea travel, car rental, camping, hotels, travel agencies, museums and other things.

Acropolis Parthenon Greece

Finally, obtaining it is simple as it will be available via a special platform on and those eligible will receive all the necessary instructions via sms or e-mail, one day after they apply.

READ MORE: PM Mitsotakis: Faster vaccination, not movement restrictions in response to Delta variant.