The President of the Hellenic Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Thessaloniki’s Law School during a special ceremony on Wednesday.
In her acceptance speech the President spoke of her role, the relationship of politics and law, and of her ties to her birth and childhood city of Thessaloniki.
Sakellaropoulou noted that her goal as president was to empower the relationship between the ruling and the ruled, especially after the economic and health crises and the “stunning blow” they delivered to the credibility of the political system, adding that she hopes to contribute to the noble aim of safeguarding and empowering this relationship” of trust between ruler and the ruled, she said, “as the deeper meaning of politics lies in this relationship.”
“The president of the republic, just like the judge, ought to listen carefully to all sides, and piece together differences,” she said, linking politics to law.
“I do not represent any party, but all Greeks. As president, at the end of the day I remain exactly what I was as a judge: a public administrator, focused on the general and national interests, away from the private and self-serving understanding of the institution and from petty political standing,” said Sakellaropoulou.
The event was attended by Deputy Minister for Macedonia and Thrace Mr. Stavros Kalafatis as well as political and religious leaders and MPs of several parties, among others.
READ: President Sakellaropoulou commemorates Independence War heroes in Hydra – Greek City Times