Entire Greek family with four underage children held hostage

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An entire Greek family was held hostage  until the father escaped and reported the incredible ordeal to authorities said Greek police on Tuesday.

According to police, five men  held an entire  family of six  hostage ( two parents and their four underage children)  in the area of the Municipality of Dion-Olympus Pieria, demanding ransom money in order to release them.

On Tuesday, the father managed to escape on foot and reached an area in the  Municipality of Tempi, from where contacted police.

After his escape the perpetrators quickly released the rest of his  family, who were later found at the intercity bus station of  KTEL Larissa.

Police   arrested three of the perpetrators on a rural dirt road, while the remaining two are still on the run.

It is still unclear for how long the family was held hostage.

READ: Gang of under-age kids stabbed and robbed student