China calls for an end to its ‘demonisation’ by the US


China called for an end to its ‘demonisation’ by the US as the Biden administration sent a  high ranking official to the country in the hope of navigating though their troubled bilateral relations.

The relationship between the US and China has reached a “dead end” and Washington must stop “demonizing” Beijing, a Chinese official said today, during the first visit in the country by the U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman.

“This is mainly due to the fact that some Americans see China as an imaginary enemy,” said Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Xie Fang during a meeting with Wendy Sherman.

‘Ms. Sherman is also expected to meet, in addition to her counterpart, with Secretary of State Wang Yi to deliver the message that although Washington welcomes competition with Beijing, it wants a level playing field that guarantees that the two countries will not lead to a conflict, US officials noted on Saturday, in view of the contacts of the US Deputy Secretary.

Sherman, the State Department’s second-ranked official.