Mitarachi’s reply to a Dutch Greens MEP on immigrants: Are you even interested in the locals?

Notis Mitarachi Dutch

A political controversy erupted on Twitter after a post by a Dutch Member of the European Parliament called on the Greek government to evacuate Amygdaleza migrant camp due to the large fire that broke out in Varybobi.

Specifically, it all started when the Dutch MEP, Tineke Strik, posted a tweet in which she appealed to the Greek government to not take any risk and to immediately evacuate the Amygdaleza where immigrants are being held, very close to the fire.

In fact, she closes her post by condescendingly saying: “Now”.

It is recalled that Strik has a long policy of never considering the wellbeing and wishes of local Greeks whilst condemning and alleging Athens breaks human rights regarding illegal immigration, often calling for investigations.

She received a response from the Minister of Immigration and Asylum, Notis Mitarakis, who stressed to the Dutch MEP that the Greek government “of course we have a plan”.

“Any interest about the local residents by the way, who are suffering from the fire? Have you asked about them?” Mitarachi added.

She responded back with “Of course I am concerned about all people affected by the fires,” but given her long history of never considering locals, it cannot be taken seriously, and Greek Twitter users let her know how they felt.

She did receive support, mostly from the members of the SYRIZA Party like Costas Zachariadis, Costas Arvanitis and Giannis Bournous.

“Shame on Greece, shame on Europe!” said Zachariadis.

“Dear Tineke,we were all greatly and unpleasantly surprised to read Mr. Mitarakis’,untoward answer to your plea,” said Arvanitis.

Bournous called Mitarachi a “right-wing troll.”

READ MORE: PM thanks women and men of the fire brigade after Varybobi fire.