New delusion from Erdoğan’s adviser: “Greece is behind the forest fires”


While Greece and Turkey give superhuman battle to limit the fire fronts, Security and Foreign Policy advisor for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Mesut Hakkı Caşın, made new delirious comments against Greece.

On CNN Türk, his platform of choice to make threats and accusations against Greece, Caşın accused Greece of being behind the fires in Turkey.

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He claimed that in the past Greece used Kurdistan Worker Party (PKK) members in Aivali (Αϊβαλί, Turkish: Ayvalık) and other places to start fires in Attaleia (Ἀττάλεια, Turkish: Antalya) and other tourist areas.

“They were arrested and punished,” he said.

Continuing his narrative, Erdoğan’s adviser claimed that the recent proposal by Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias to help Turkey was hypocritical, calling it a “mafia tactic.”

“I can tell you that Greece is definitely behind this job…


“NATO and the European Union do not give us aircraft,” Caşın continued.

He said that Greece offering aircraft when it has its own fires, even though the offers were before fires in Greece intensified, was “the ultimate mafia tactic.”

“First he kills the man and then he goes for red carnations,” he added.

READ MORE: Greece is a “flea” arming itself against Turkey: Erdogan advisor.