Senator Menendez to Dendias: Greece is a pillar of stability

Dendias Menendez

The exceptional level of bilateral relations between Greece and the United States was underlined in joint statements after a meeting between Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias with US Senator Robert Menendez on Friday.

Menendez noted that the United States considers Greece a pillar of stability for the promotion of democracy and prosperity in the wider region. Referring to Turkey, he stressed that unfortunately President Erdogan did not meet expectations and now we must manage the current reality.

Dendias condemned Thursday’s attack in Kabul aimed at American soldiers and innocent civilians trying to escape and expressed his deepest condolences to the American people and to the Afghan people.

He also described Menendez as “a true friend of Greece” who has “contributed in the most decisive way to the strengthening of the strategic relationship between the United States and Greece.”

“We are going through the best level of relations between our countries. We have established a strategic dialogue in all areas,” he said, noting that he looks forward to his visit to Washington in October.

“Our mutual understanding is that this relationship is not directed against anyone,” he said. “But it reflects the important role that Greece plays in promoting international legality, security and stability in the region. And I’m talking about values that the United States also embraces and supports.”

He cited a number of bills that have helped deepen the relationship, such as that for bilateral defence co-operation, but also for the Eastern Mediterranean.

“Greece is committed to strengthening the transatlantic link, it is also committed to respecting international law, including the international law of the sea. And of course it is fully committed to refraining from the use or threat of use of force,” Dendias underlined.

In statements after his meeting with Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias, US Senator Robert Menendez said that “we always wished Turkey to function as a bridge between the East and the West, as a secular government, as a good ally which would promote democracy,” but “unfortunately President Erdogan did not meet those expectations and we must deal with the current reality”.

“Every country,” Menendez said, “should have its own guaranteed rights to an Exclusive Economic Zone,” adding that any disagreements on this score should be resolved on the basis of international law.

He said world was at a turning point in global history and explained that “we are called to choose between two viewpoints: On one hand we have our common belief, to promote democracy, the rule of law and human rights, we respect individuals and this allows the creation of free communities. On the other hand, there is the authoritarian and arbitrary view that oppresses the people and finally undermines the rule of law, legality and the law of the sea.”

Menendez thanked the Greek government and Greece for the solidarity to the US people and the condolences for the losses of human lives during a cowardly terror attack.

“We consider Greece a pillar of stability in terms of the promotion of democracy and prosperity in the wider region and we will continue to cooperate for the meeting of this goal,” he underlined.

Finally, he said that significant opportunities for the private sector are offered in Greece and US companies seek to proceed with important investments benefiting both countries and their people.

READ MORE: Turkish F-16s intercepted in eastern Aegean.