Deputy Migration Minister: SYRIZA did nothing about the migrant crisis despite four years in power

Greek-Turkish border at Evros. SYRIZA

Deputy Migration & Asylum Minister Sofia Voultepsi took aim at opposition party SYRIZA in Parliament on Friday, saying that they did nothing for the migrant crisis.

During debate on a new migration bill, Voultepsi said, “Migration policy includes expulsions – and until the EU finally decides to create a common asylum and expulsion system, we are obliged to take measures ourselves.”

She added that migration policy includes detention, and asked if there was a country in which violation of borders is not illegal.

“Laws are there to be applied,” she added, “not to become general invitations on their own; they must send messages of deterrence.”

The minister added that it must become clear to all that those who ought to remain in Greece will remain; the rest will face the application of laws like the one being voted in Parliament today.

Voultepsi, who is also responsible for integration issues, said that the only integration program ever created was ‘Helios’, which is carried out by the International Organization for Migration.

The agreement was signed by the SYRIZA government before elections in 2019, but applied by currently ruling New Democracy.

“Four years in power and you did nothing,” she told the main opposition.

“On the contrary,” she charged, “the SYRIZA government had run through the European funds in 2018, without any integration, and despite the fact that the money from the EU arrived by the sack.”

“Half of the EU funds went directly to NGOs and the rest directly to the then government; I didn’t find a single euro,” the minister added.

READ MORE: Far-Right and ANTIFA groups clash at refugee event in Athens.