CANARY ISLANDS: Cumbre Vieja volcano erupts on La Palma island


The Cumbre Vieja volcano, in the Canary Islands archipelago on the south side of the Spanish island of La Palma , erupted yesterday spewing lava, dense smoke and ash.

Following recordings of high seismic activity in the area in recent days authorities started to evacuate residential areas near the volcano, removing in the first phase people with mobility problems and some animals from farms.

Authorities had warned residents for days to be ready to leave.

The eruption occurred on the forest slope of the Cabetta de Vaca area at 17.15 (Greek time), according to the local government.

Immediately after, the municipality urged the residents to be very careful, not to approach the area and not to move on the streets.

Residents of neighbouring villages were called to go to one of the five evacuation centres set up, and soldiers were deployed to assist in the operation, with the help of a helicopter.

In the footage broadcast by Spanish television, lava fountains are spewed into the sky while the column of smoke is visible from a great distance, all over the island.



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