All of Greece shocked: Renowned pediatrician suddenly passes away, father of two young children

Akis Hatzidimitriou pediatrician

The renowned pediatrician Akis Hatzidimitriou passed away.

The deceased, originally from Serres, leaves behind his family and two children, Diakopes reported.

He was working in a large hospital and clinic in Thessaloniki.

As the deputy mayor of Serres, Sotiria Panou Anastasiadis, stated in a post: “The soul is tight, the words are difficult. We do not believe that today we are saying goodbye.”

“An excellent Pediatrician, a brilliant scientist, born and bred in our city, who just opened his wings in Thessaloniki, will no longer be among us.

“He leaves behind a wonderful family and two young children. I have no words but bitterness .. Goodbye Akis Hadjidimitriou.

“Our society has lost a wonderful man and science has lost a worthy scientist who has worked hard to help people.”

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