Tsipras: Mitsotakis will make a performance with 17,000 dead from COVID-19

Alexis Tsipras SYRIZA

"After so many addresses of self-adulation, with paeans pronouncing victory against the pandemic and the 'last mile', tomorrow (Thursday) [there will be] another performance with 17,000 dead and the national health system in disarray," said main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Alexis Tsipras in a post on Twitter on Wednesday.

His comments were made after revelations that Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis intends to address the nation on Thursday.

"Enough with the deceit," added the opposition leader and announced that "immediately after" the prime minister's address, he will be making a "public statement to all the media."

READ MORE: SYRIZA: Doctors are warning we will reach 11,000 daily new COVID-19 infections by Xmas.