AUDI shuts down due to Coronavirus cases in workplace


Audi’s Brussels plant, one of Belgium’s largest carmakers, decided yesterday to suspend production for a whole week due to an increase in Covid-19 cases among its employees announced the company.

According to Belgian media, the precautionary measure, which initially was to apply on to  the morning shift, was extended to a total of almost 2,000 factory workers after a discussion with the unions.

“The absolute priority is the health of our colleagues,” explained Peter D’Or, spokesman for Volkswagen’s flagship German car plant.

It was reported that twelve factory workers have been positive for Covid-19 in recent days, amid a sharp rise in infections in Belgium.

It is the first time since the beginning of the pandemic in Europe from March 2020 that of the Belgium’s largest employer has been forced to stop working for several days in a row.

The terms of a resumption of production are expected to be set by Friday, D’Or was quoted as saying by the Belga news agency.