Greek police officer arrested in Turkey is released

police arrested in Edirne

The Greek policeman who was arrested on Monday in the Turkish city of Edirne was released without restrictive conditions.

The police officer was required to pay an administrative fine imposed on him in order to return to Greece.

According to ERT, the fine imposed on the police officer and his accomplice was around 1,600 euros each, and because the relevant services in Turkey were closed, they had to wait until the next day to return to Greece.

It is noted that Turkish authorities returned the couple’s mobile phones after searching them and found nothing to the detriment of the two.

On Tuesday, the policeman and his partner were released on restrictive terms, with the Minister of Civil Protection, Takis Theodorikakos, noting that the issue will be resolved within 48 hours.

At the time he pointed out that Turkey knows that there is no issue with the two Greeks.

During his testimony to Turkish authorities, the chief constable informed how they were found in the forbidden area, describing a GPS error.

As he said, his system showed him two routes and he chose the shortest one, as a result of which they reached the forbidden area.

“Following the GPS at a point near our border, the soldiers stopped, confiscated our passports and took us to the military prison. We came for shopping. We had no other purpose,” he said.

READ MORE: Greek Cypriot who unfurled Greek flag in north remanded for three days.