Mitarachi: Illegal immigrants return to Bangladesh for the first time in 5 years

Notis Mitarachis Bangladesh

The return of illegal immigrants to Bangladesh from Greece began after a five-year hiatus.

As the Minister of Immigration and Asylum, Notis Mitarachi, told ERT1 on Monday morning, Greece has made 10,629 deportations, voluntary returns, and relocations, while specifically the cooperation with the South Asian country is now better.

"The Minister of Immigration of Bangladesh had come to Greece this year and in February I will be there too. "We had five years to make returns there", said Mitarachi.

He added that Greece started cooperation with Frontex.

At the same time, he said that the cooperation with Bangladesh will give the opportunity to have legal routes so that citizens of this country can come to Greece to work seasonally.

READ MORE: Satellite photograph of Athens from 786 km up high.