Mount Athos: Three deaths attributed to COVID-19 in one month in Agios Pavlos monastery

Agiou Pavlou monastery Mount Athos

Mount Athos is once again in the whirlwind of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In less than a month, three people have died and now the 90-year-old Abbot of the Parthenios monastery, a well-known and ardent COVID-19 denier and anti-vaxxer, is also ill.

In his sermons, the Abbot of the Parthenios Monastery said that no one has a blessing from him to be vaccinated and that COVID-19 belongs to Freemasonry and Satan.

According to Makedonia, from the end of November until today, three people have died in the Monastery of Agiou Pavlou.

Two monks, Eusebius and Chrysostom, wee over 70 years old and succumbed to the virus.

The other victim was a worker in the monastery named Alexander.

Now the Abbot, who is over 90 years old, is also ill. His condition is not serious and he remains in the monastery.

For the Monastery of Agios Pavlou, the problem is located in the important cells it has.

It is noted that in March 2021, in the sleeping quarters of the New Hermitage that belongs to the Monastery of Agios Pavlou, there were 23 positive cases!

The Monastery of Agios Pavlou is essentially the one that put Mount Athos on the map of the pandemic in September 2020.

At that time, eight COVID-19 cases were detected in the monastery, the firstcases in the Athonite State.

At the time, the monastery was quarantined and restrictive measures for visits to Mount Athos were implemented for the first time.

Due to the situation in the monastery, an ambulance team then entered Mount Athos for the first time, examined monks and identified cases in at least two more monasteries.

READ MORE: Metropolitan of Ilia: Unvaccinated clergy that died of COVID-19 committed suicide, I don’t go to their funerals.