2021 RECORDS: World's Tallest Woman Found in Turkey (VIDEO)

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The world's tallest woman in 2021 was recorded in Turkey confirmed the Guinness Book of World Records (GBWR) and goes by the name Rumeysa Gelgi standing at a height of  215.16cm (7 ft 0.7 in)!

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According the GBWR, Rumeysa was first awarded the record title of tallest teenager living (female) back in 2014, aged 18 with her accelerated growth caused by a rare condition known as Weaver syndrome.

The condition means that Rumeysa uses a wheelchair most of the time, but can move for short periods using a walker.

Ever since her first record in 2014, Rumeysa has felt it was important to use her platform to educate others about rare medical conditions such as her own.

She says that her height makes people intrigued when they pass her on the street, but most people are kind and supportive when they meet her for the first time.

In her free time Rumeysa likes to go out for nice meals with her family and finds swimming really helps her to relax. Her family are very happy and proud of her for having the Guinness World Records title.

It's particularly fascinating that Rumeysa is from Turkey, as alongside Sultan Kösen (251 cm; 8 ft 2.8 in), both the tallest living male and female record holders are now from the same country - a rare occurrence in Guinness World Records history.

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[Guinness World Records]