The jewels of Turkish citizens seems to be in the target of the Erdoğan government as part of their solution to deal with a Turkish lira that is sinking and increasing poverty across the country.
A few days ago, a statement made by the mayor of Erzurum and the local leader of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), Mehmet Sekmen, in which he expressed the ‘brilliant idea’ for citizens to deposit their jewellery in the bank so that the state could use it as a guarantee, caused a sensation.
According to Turkish media, he had also made this proposal to Finance Minister Nureddin Nebati.
The latest statements by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan prove that the mayor of Erzurum acted as a “hare” of the government and that citizens should now even worry about their jewellery.
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It seems that the idea of depositing ones jewellery to the state is being promoted as government bonds.
In particular, Erdoğan said, intensifying the anxiety of Turkish citizens about the crisis and their valuables: “Through a system that includes banks, mints and gold refineries, we will ensure that our citizens will place their jewellery in the system.”
“The Ministry of Economy and Finance, with various alternatives, continues the gold bonds as well as the lease certificates that are based on gold,” added the Turkish president.
Erzurum Mayor Mehmet Sekmen was the first to describe how the proposal could work:
“Jewellery from the hand, the earring, the bracelet and everything else in gold should be weighed and given a certificate of value,” he said, adding: “With this certificate the jewellery is placed in the bank safe.”
“In the meantime let the state keep them as a guarantee,” he continued. “If the woman needs a set of them for marriage, she will come and get them.”
“That period will be considered empty. Let her use them, bring them back and put them in the safe with the same certificate,” he said.
Sekmen also noted that he expressed his opinion as an economist.
“Thus, first Allah will collect many tons of gold under the supervision of the state. Against them, the state will be able to make all kinds of investments and use all kinds of financial instruments,” he said.
Erzurum Belediye Başkanı Mehmet Sekmen: "Bakan'a önerdim; kadınların üzerinde ne kadar takı varsa bankaya alınsın" demiş.🤔#BenimÖnerim ALMANYA BİZİ KISKANMAYA ve İZLEMEYE DEVAM ETSİN @nihatsirdar
— Gölet Gönüllüleri (@Bahceshr_Golet) January 10, 2022
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