AUSTRALIA: Cretan Federation re-establishes Cretan Association of Northern Territory

Το νεοεκλεγείς Συμβούλιο του Κρητικού Συλλόγου Βόρειας Επικράτειας

The Cretan Federation of Australia & New Zealand recently announced the reestablishment of the Cretan Association of Northern Territory.

After a five year lapse following the resignation of Honorary President Kostas Hnaris, several passionate Cretans in Northern Australia requested assistance from the Federation to re-elect a new committee.

Cretan Federation of Australia & New Zealand President Tony Tsourdalakis spent over 5 days in Darwin meeting with local authorities seeking their support and hosting the Annual General Meeting of Cretans.

O Πρόεδρος της Ομοσπονδίας Αντώνης Τσουρδαλάκης με τον Επιτιμο Πρόξενο του Ντάργουιν Γιάννη ΑνοικτομάτηΤο νεοεκλεγείς Συμβούλιο του Κρητικού Συλλόγου Βόρειας Επικράτειας
The newly elected committee is as follows:
•President, George Mamounis from Prefect of Iraklio.
•Vice President, Manolis Kourmoulis from Prefect of Rethymno.
•Secretary, Alexandros Larentzos from the Prefect of Rethymno
•Assistant Secretary, Christos Makrynakis from the Prefect of Lasithi
•Treasurer, Eleftheria Petrakakakis from the Prefect of Rethymno
•Public Relations, Konstantinos Tererakis from the Prefect of Jan is
•Media & Marketing, Thomas Kallonas from the Prefect of Lasithi.

Committee Members Peter Paroulakis from the Prefect of Hania, Yianna Paterakis from the Prefect of Iraklio, Sofia Lendaris from the Prefect of Rethymno and Katerina Tererakis from the Prefect of Hania.

•Cretan Youth Representatives : George Kourmoulis, Nikos Makrynakis, Maria Kourmoulis

For their years of service and contribution, the Cretan Federation of Australia & New Zealand paid their respects to the Hnaris Family, Paterakis Family, Christakis Family and Tererakis Family.

The  Federation also took the opportunity to extend its warmest thanks to  the Hon. Consul General of Greece in Darwin John Anoictomatis, The Lord Mayor of Darwin Cr. Kon Vatskalis and the President of the Greek Community Nicholas Poniris for their current and future support of the Cretan Association of Northern Territory as well as a warm thanks to the Mamounis Family for their warm Cretan Hospitality.