Sydney Greek Festival Darling Harbour Cancelled

GF14 0769

Due to the current and forecasted weather conditions in Sydney, the Greek Orthodox Community of NSW has been forced to make the difficult decision of cancelling Greek Fest Darling Harbour that was scheduled to take place this Sunday 27 March.

It is a decision that has come after careful consideration and with much regret to all those that so enthusiastically would have been part of a long-awaited Festival, especially following the impact of Covid-19.

Sydney Greek Festival Cancelled

“This is not the outcome we wanted following the postponement of the last event. We had already invested so much into making this festival happen, so it is with a heavy heart that we have come to this decision” said Harry Danalis, President of the Greek Orthodox Community.

The Greek Festival of Sydney and the Greek Orthodox Community of NSW appreciate everyone’s efforts and contributions to this festival and although the flagship event cannot take place this year, there are plenty of other events coming up in the program which we urge everyone to keep an eye out for and attend.