US Pentagon papers claim sexual encounters with aliens (DOCS)

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Bombshell US Pentagon papers obtained from the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) as part of a huge Freedom of Information request by The Sun newspaper confirm alien encounters with human including one that left  one woman pregnant, witnesses have alleged, reports the outlet.


According to the media outlet, the report - titled Anomalous Acute And Subacute Field Effects on Human and Biological Tissues - investigates injuries to "human observers by anomalous advanced aerospace systems".

'It investigates the health impact on humans who have had paranormal experiences. The document features a "useful database" which listed the biological effects of UFO sightings on humans and their frequency, compiled US-based civilian research agency MUFON.

'This includes bizarre occurrences such as "apparent abduction", "unaccounted for pregnancy", sexual encounters, experience of telepathy and perceived teleportation.' writes Emma Parry.

"Sufficient incidents/accidents have been accurately reported, and medical data acquired, as to support a hypothesis that some advanced systems are already deployed, and opaque to full US understandings", the report reads.

It goes on: "The medical analyses while not require the invention of an alternative biophysics do indicate to use of (to us) unconventional and advanced energy systems."

The report added said it had 42 cases from medical files and 300 similar "unpublished" cases where humans had been injured after "anomalous" encounters.

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