Over 18,000 Ukrainians held valid Greek residence permit in 2020

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More than 18,000 Ukrainians held a valid Greek residence permit by end of 2020, and more than 4,000 in the case of Cyprus according to the latest data from Eurostat.

Specifically, 18,745 Ukrainians in Greece and 4,151 Ukrainians in Cyprus, were recorded with valid residence permits by the end of 2020.

At the end of 2020, 1.35 million Ukrainian citizens held a valid residence permit of an EU Member State, representing the third-largest group of non-EU nationals in the EU, after Morocco and Turkey. Of these, slightly over 1 million held a residence permit with a duration longer than or equal to 12 months.

Compared with the population of each Member State, the highest ratio of Ukrainian citizens with a valid residence permit at the end of 2020 was recorded in Czechia (15 residence permit holders per thousand inhabitants), followed by Poland (13), Lithuania (11) and Estonia (around 10). The lowest ratio was recorded in Romania (0.1 residence permit holders per thousand inhabitants), followed by France (0.2), the Netherlands and Ireland (both 0.4).

Ukrainian citizens map 2020

In 2020, the total number of first permits issued to Ukrainian citizens was 601 240, of which 464 730 (77% of the total) were first permits that were valid for less than 12 months, and 136 510 (23% of the total) were first permits which were valid for at least 12 months.

Ukrainian citizens line graph 2020 scaled

When viewing the evolution of first-residence permits issued to Ukrainian citizens by EU Member States, an upward trend from 2013 to 2019 for all types of permits can be seen, before a drop in 2020 caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Over the 2013-2020 period, almost 4.3 million first residence permits were delivered to Ukrainian citizens, but only 792 330 (19%) had a duration of at least 12 months. First permits issued for seasonal or temporary work by Ukrainians in Poland mainly explain this significant share of short-term permits.
