Massacre at Naousa - April 13, 1822

Massacre at Naousa

At the outbreak of the Greek War of Independence in March 1821, Greeks from all over the crumbling Ottoman Empire rose up against their Turkish oppressors, seeking their freedom, including in Naousa.

In Western Macedonia, Greek leaders such as; Anastasios Karatasos, Angelos Gatsos and Zafeirakis Theodosiou declared a Revolution there. This group ultimately marshalled 1,800 people to join the rebellion, specifically at Naousa.

Naousa massacre memorial.
Naousa massacre memorial.

The Ottomans in response, launched a horrific campaign to put down the rebellion.

They sent an extra 20,000 troops. The city was defended by only 4,000-5,000 Greek rebels. On March 26, the Ottoman in charge requested that the rebels give up and let his forces occupy the city.

The Ottomans began an organised siege at the beginning of April with multiple forces attacking the city. On April 12 the Ottomans bombarded the city and destroyed the gates, capturing the city.

This event was followed by a general massacre of the population. Any remaining women and children were sent into slavery

READ MORE: Albania restores Ottoman building in Greek town but ignores indigenous heritage.