Turkish analyst: "Greece has no choice but to depend on Turkey"

Greece Turkey

"Greece has no other way out but to depend on us," a Turkish analyst commented provocatively when speaking on a Turkish pro-government network Haber Global news program, which also dealt with the latest Greek military equipment.

Responding to a comment by journalist Saynur Tezel, who said: "Greece is resorting to Israel and the United States and the cause is the armed Bairaktar TB2", Eray Güçlüer, Assistant Professor at Altınbas University in Istanbul, said that they cannot change the balance of power between the two countries.

(In the video from 00:52 onwards)

"Greece in armaments, if it does not eat, drink and do not sleep and we do not work at all, then in 30 years it can reach us.

"You will remember that they bought 18 Rafale aircraft and 6 more, and half of them are used.

"In each of them, in order for a pilot to be trained, he must have been trained in France for at least a year and a half.

"In the Eastern Mediterranean, when we think about the developments, let me tell you clearly now, Greece has no other way out but to depend on us," Güçlüer said provocatively.

READ MORE: Greece and Turkey in the era of Global Hybrid War.