The Greek Community of Melbourne’s Greek History and Culture Public Seminar Series in association with Pontiaki Estia will be presenting a lecture entitled The First Pontian Genocide, on Thursday 19 May, at 7 pm, at the Greek Centre.
Lawyer, poet and short story writer, Dean Kalymniou, will present the lecture where he will take audiences back 2,000 years to discuss a genocide planned in Pontus, that shocked the then known world.
Contrary to common belief the tragic events culminating in 1922 are not the first time genocide has been associated with the region of Pontus.
Dean Kalimniou is a lawyer, poet and short story writer within the Greek community. He has published seven poetry collections in Greek and translated the works of many local Greek authors into English. He has also published translations of Papadiamantis’ short stories in the critical anthology “The Boundless Garden. Selected Short Stories.” His most recent book, “Simela and the Magic Kemenche”, is also his first bilingual children’s book.
WHEN: Thursday 19 May, 7pm
LOCATION: The Greek Centre (Mezzanine Level, 168 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne), and also ONLINE: Facebook and Youtube