Hooded man kidnaps 6-year-old Norwegian boy in Kifissia - Greek border guards on alert

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Greek authorities are investigating the abduction of a 6-year-old Norwegian boy in the Athens neighbourhood of ​​Kifissia on Tuesday night.

According to the lawyer of the child's mother, everything happened at 20:40 on Tuesday night when "an unknown man wearing a hood appeared in the house and snatched the child from his house."

He said "the child was with his grandmother, he heard a noise at the door, he went to see who it was and then they grabbed him."

Border authorities have also been informed about the case "because it is very likely that an attempt will be made to take the child abroad."

As the lawyer of the mother of the 6-year-old said "unfortunately the house did not have cameras. But there is material from the neighbouring properties."

"The information is that there was a van, that there was at least one man up to 45 years old and the investigation is ongoing."

The perpetrator is about 1.80m tall.

Asked about the father of the 6-year-old, the lawyer said that "he has Norwegian citizenship, he is a permanent resident of Norway, he had visited Greece for the court issues between them for the custody of the child."

"There was intense controversy over whether the child should stay in Greece," the lawyer added.

In his view on where the investigations should go, he said that "family conflicts precede this, it is a priority to address this, but chances should not be ruled out so as not to reduce the scope of the investigations."

The Amber Alert for the disappearance of Rainer Jason Pedersen was made known on Wednesday morning.

He has red hair, brown eyes, height 1.10 and weight 15 kg. He has freckles on his face.

Rainer Jason Pedersen 6-year-old

The day he disappeared he was wearing blue tracksuits, a white short-sleeved blouse and gray socks.

Anyone who has any information, please contact the European Hotline for Missing Children at 116000 or any Police Stations in Greece.

An email can also be sent to: 116000@hamogelo.gr

READ MORE: Greek coast guard intercepts hundreds of illegal immigrants from Turkey.