A unique narrative around Project O, a trimester project on all forms of art, was open for review by the public over the last weekend of May, 2022. It was the first Open House Art event by DreamTeam in Athens, Greece and the artworks were housed in an old neoclassical building.
The DreamTeam organisation performs innovative and cultural functions throughout Greece. Its vision is to promote the Arts and build bridges between cultures for a better world.
The Open House Art by DreamTeam was held under the aegis of The Municipality of Athens, the UNESCO of Piraeus and Islands and the Interaction Art.
The event was curated by artist Christos Petridis. The exhibition showcased themes and concepts in the form of abstract, modern, cubist and classic art in a mixed-bag of experiential elements and contextual references.
The main aim of the exhibition was to tell original and alternative stories through art and to bridge the gap between the artist and the community.
Exceptional and well-known artists participated, some of them included Dr. Christina Mura, Niki Geranova, Michael Afantinis, Evangelia Verri, Elvira Vidaki, Maryli Goulakou, Eleftheria Darzenta, Melina Kalfioti, Helen Kamargiari, Yiannis Karapanos, Elena Katsantoni, Andreas Lialios, Vassiliki Magga, Vassiliki Petrakopoulou, Olga Maggiorou, Calliope Marinaki, Marianne Monopoli, Christos Dais, Christina Dinapogia, Tine Urailidou, Dimitra Amourgi Papachristoforou, Paraskevi Panagiotopoulou, Katerina Perifanou, John Poniris, Katerina Sakelaridi, Stephania Sargioti, Katerina Stavridou, Marinna Chronopoulou and Nikolleta Psalti.
Ten student artists from Dr. Christina’s Mura Art School 'Art Equals Genesis' gave a vivid and creative presence with their artworks at the event.
The opening day was attended by many guests from the music industry as well as painters, journalists, actors and business people.
Photo Credits: Thanos Georgiou and Angelos Maniatis.
Facebook: @dreamteam.org.gr
Instagram: @dreamteam.org.gr
Web: www.dreamteam.org.gr
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