Spain’s ruling Socialists and Podemos coalition refuses to condemn Turkey’s Threats against Greece

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez (L) shake hands during a news conference in the capital Ankara, Turkey, Nov. 17, 2021. (Reuters Photo)

The conservative and Christian-democratic opposition People’s Party, with a proposal it brought to the Spanish parliament, asked, among other things, to condemn Turkey’s threats against Greece’s territorial sovereignty, with the parties of the governing coalition refusing a positive vote.

A proposal submitted by the Partido Popular, the People’s Party of Spain, came to demonstrate both the “rifts” in the governing coalition of the Socialists and Podemos, as well as the refusal of the latter two to take a clear position on what has been taking place in recent months in the Eastern Mediterranean, and especially in the Aegean Sea.

The People’s Party in its resolution, which included 15 points, referred to the need to publicly condemn Ankara’s threats against Greek territorial sovereignty.

Specifically, point eight states: “We call on the government to support the accession of Sweden and Finland to NATO and to condemn the Turkish veto, as well as to condemn the threat to the territorial integrity of Greece”.

See HERE the 15-point proposal tabled by the Popular Party.

Understandably, the People’s Party voted for the proposal, as did VOX, in opposition to the majority government partner.

The PSOE (Socialist Workers Party), voted “No” in this specific proposal, while Podemos chose the path of abstention.

Both, of course, avoided direct and public condemnation of Turkey – which would happen in the event of a “Yes” vote on the People’s Party’s proposal.

At the same time, the political “thermometer” in the Iberian country sharply rose.

The differentiation of Podemos from the majority partner of the government brought a rather deep “rift” in Spain’s collaboration government.

In fact, the country’s media speak of “obvious and deep differences within the coalition government”.

In the same publications, it is emphasised that these differences have begun to be particularly pronounced compared to the recent past.

READ MORE: “Erdoğan wants a weak Greece, Greeks know who is plotting against them”: Gov’t spox.