The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia announced that volunteers from its Five Loaves programme under the guidance of His Grace Bishop Kyriakos hit the streets once again and delivered hot meals (roast lamb and chicken with vegetables) as well as fruit and dessert for the homeless in the inner south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
According to the Archdiocese, the objective of the Five Loaves program is to create an avenue through food for all people to connect, feel cared for and valued members of our local community. This outreach initiative within the District of Melbourne aims to help the homeless, people with dependencies, struggling families, asylum seekers, refugees, people with disabilities and anyone who just wants a good hot meal and a chat.
Fr Panteleimon Laskaris from Sts Constantine and Helen in South Yarra and the Five Loaves volunteers who prepared the meals received many positive comments and blessings from those who haven’t been able to afford to eat meat in a long time.
One homeless person said that “I haven’t eaten meat this year.”