Guardian readers choose Milos as their favourite island


Another distinction, after the one achieved in Travel+Leisure, was won by Milos, who won a readers' vote in Britain's The Guardian newspaper.

The value of such distinctions is inestimable considering that millions of past and future visitors to the island choose it based on their own criteria alone.

Milos Greece cyclades islands

And this is the best advertisement for the whole world, since the selection and ranking is completely random and not guided, as emphasised in a related announcement.

The newspaper conducted a similar poll with his readers and the popular magazine Travel+Leisure a few days ago, as they were asked to rate their favourite islands worldwide, as they do every year.

Scoring criteria such as activities, attractions, natural beauty and beaches, food, local hospitality and prices, Travel+Leisure came up with a list that included three Greek islands among the 22 best, and one of that was Milos.Milos Papafragka

Paros and Crete were also distinguished in the relevant research.

READ MORE: Greece among favourite holiday spots for British Royal Family.