Florina: They shot and killed 3 bears - One was still nursing her cubs

bear Florina

Three bears, one of which was still nursing her babies, were killed - within a month - by unknown people with a firearm in Sklithros, Florina.

As "Arcturos" said in a related announcement on August 12, very close to the Wolf & Lynx Protection Center, two dead bears were found and a few weeks ago, another one was found in the wider area, also dead from a gunshot.

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The first one was a young adult who was still nursing, which means that her young are now orphans.

The bear was spotted by a farmer who notified the Arcturos Emergency Response Team. The death of the bear was caused by a projectile in the ribs, which injured it intra-abdominally and resulted in internal bleeding.

A few hours later a second one murdered bear was spotted. The animal is estimated to have been dead for 7-10 days already.

As "Arcturos" reported, these two incidents were added to a corresponding one that was recorded in July, when a bear was found in advanced rot and its death was then attributed to a shooting. All three crimes took place in the same area within a radius of one kilometre.

"In total, it is the fourth bear that was shot in the wider area in 2022. It is worth emphasising that the incidents occurred within the boundaries of the Natura area", said the organisation in an announcement.

They also called on authorities to "not underestimate the importance of this crime and to proceed with extensive investigations to identify the perpetrators, because continued impunity brings, unfortunately, new killings of protected species".

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