Greeks are amongst the biggest consumers of online news in the EU according to the latest findings by Eurostat.
Among EU Member States, the highest percentages of internet users reading news online were registered in Finland (93%), Lithuania and Czechia (both 92%) and Croatia and Greece (both 90%).
The lowest usage was reported in Romania (59%), Germany (62%), France (63%), Italy (64%) and Belgium (67%).
In 2021, around nine out of ten (89%) people in the EUGernm, aged between 16 and 74 years, used the internet (at least once within the three months prior to the survey date) and cultural activities, including among others reading online news, were one of the most popular uses.
Data for 2021 show that 72% of EU internet users aged 16-74 read online news sites, newspapers or news magazines, a 2 percentage point (pp) increase compared with 2016.
Compared with 2016, internet usage for reading online news increased more (+3 pp) among women than men (+2 pp) in 2021, but in general, men were more likely to use the internet for reading news than women (74% vs 71%).
When considering age, reading ‘online news sites/newspapers/news magazines’ was the most popular in the age range of 25-54 years (75%). Both this age group and the 55-74 group (68%) registered increases of 3 pp and 2 pp, respectively.