The series "My beloved Smyrna" premiered last night on ANT1 and very quickly became the first trend on Twitter. The series consists of 4 episodes and includes a wealth of exclusive material and anecdotal scenes from the motion picture.
From the first scenes, Twitter was on fire and users did not stop praising the protagonists for their performances and the production for the filming.
Check out the best tweets:
"Excellent production. I hit it by accident and was stunned... Next Thursday here with tissues of course.”
Εξαιρετική (υπέρ)παραγωγή.. Το πέτυχα τυχαία και έμεινα άναυδος... Την επόμενη Πέμπτη εδώ με χαρτομάντιλα λογικά. #SmirniMouAgapimeni
— Algi (@Ch_Algi) September 22, 2022
"Should we leave Smyrna?" heartbreak.
Congratulations Mrs. Denise!
Συγχαρητήρια Κυρία Ντενίση! #SmirniMouAgapimeni
— BiriBiri (@BiribiriTsou) September 23, 2022
Kulieva is AWESOME.... My great-grandmother came from Bursa and the reference to that place moved me incredibly...
Η Κουλίεβα ειναι ΚΑΘΗΛΩΤΙΚΗ....
Η προγιαγια μου ηρθε απο την Προύσα και η αναφορα σ εκεινο το μερος με συγκινησε απίστευτα.... #SmirniMouAgapimeni— ✨Έλος Ο Μονδέλος ✨ (@elosOmondelos) September 23, 2022
We will never forget you our beloved grandparents
Δεν θα σας ξεχάσουμε ποτέ αγαπημένοι μας παππούδες και γιαγιάδες #SmirniMouAgapimeni
— τιμωρος διαφθορας (@van_arpelbruno) September 22, 2022
An entire civilization was uprooted. Like a knife in the heart is #SmirniMouAgapimeni . Very good production.
Ξεριζώθηκε ολόκληρος πολιτισμός. Σαν μαχαιριά στην καρδιά είναι η #SmirniMouAgapimeni. Πολύ καλή παραγωγή.
— Χριστίνα Μαρκάτου (@LittleBeee5) September 22, 2022
The series stars: Mimi Denisis, Leonidas Kakouris, Burak Hakki, Kratero Katsoulis, Tamila Koulieva, Katerina Geronikolou, Dina Michailidou, Yiannis Vogiatzis and a strong international cast.
Filming took place in Lesvos, Chios, Athens, Piraeus and Faliro, with modern digital effects, as well as impressive sets and costumes.
The series narrates with mastery and realism the tragic historical events, highlights the multicultural identity of Smyrna at the time and reminds us that every people have a lost homeland, every people have their Smyrna.
READ MORE: Turkey wipes out traces of Greek civilisation in Smyrna.