Bernard Tomic’s ranking will likely take another substantial jump after winning his second successive ITF tournament in Cancun.
Tomic, whose ranking had slipped below no.800 in the world earlier this year, had not won a tournament for four years before victory in an ITF M15 event in Cancun last month.
Bernard Tomic sends a message to fans after winning back-to-back ITF titles.
Following the win, Tomic, who turns 30 later this month, took to Instagram to thank his supporters.
He also said: “There are no secrets to success. It requires preparation, hard work and learning from your mistakes.”
While that message seemed to indicate Tomic was showing some belated levels of maturity, he let himself down with another message on his Instagram story.
“Thanks again for your support. F*** the haters, I’m gonna prove them wrong.”
Two weeks ago, Tomic captured his first title since 2018 in Cancun.
Tomic has won his last ten matches and back-to-back Cancun titles in his collection.
En route to winning Cancun this week, Tomic didn’t drop a single set.
Tomic also won Cancun two weeks without dropping a set.
In recent weeks, Tomic decided to return to the ITF level.
That decision has been paying off as he has been winning matches, and his confidence levels have certainly increased.
Tomic got into it again with Nick Kyrgios.
Earlier this year, Kyrgios challenged Tomic to a one-million match.
This week, a fan asked Kyrgios if he was interested in playing against Tomic.
“The exhibition against Tomic going to happen,” a fan asked Kyrgios on Instagram.
Kyrgios answered: “TBH (to be honest), don’t think I wanna make him relevant anymore. I’m not going to bother with someone 800 in the world. But all the best.”
Shortly later, Tomic held his own Q&A with fans on Instagram.
Several fans asked Tomic to address Kyrgios’ latest comments, and he suggested that Kyrgios was scared of facing him.
“Just a matter of time I see you, Nicky boy,” Tomic wrote on Instagram as his response, along with hashtag words “obsessed” and “scared.”
Earlier this year, Tomic said he was training hard and determined to return to his old level.
Tomic, turning 30 later this month, often posts practice videos on his Instagram.
Tomic maybe isn’t any more a regular participant in the main-level events, but he is working hard and slowly finding his game again.
It remains to be seen if Tomic will now try to play some Challenger or ATP events.