Corinth: Man attempts to “justify” raping and severely beating his ex-wife over the baptism of their child


A 28-year-old woman in Almyri town in Corinth experienced horror at the hands of her 33-year-old ex-husband who beat and raped her.

According to Proto Thema, it all happened in the early hours of last Wednesday when the 33-year-old drove his car to his ex-wife ‘s house.

There the perpetrator forced the 28-year-old into the car and they headed towards the Isthmus area. All the way he beat her savagely, punching her in the head and body, with the 28-year-old unable to react as the 33-year-old had locked the doors.

“He grabbed me by the head and was hitting me on the car window and on the dashboard ,” the victim recounted.

Corinth The once happily married 33-year-old man and 28-year-old woman.The once happily married 33-year-old man and 28-year-old woman.

Her ex-husband then tried to forcefully undress her and when she resisted, he took a lighter and set fire to her hair. The nightmare for the 28-year-old, however, did not end there. The 33-year-old, in a state of amok, dragged her to his parents’ house in Corinth, where he raped her.

The 28-year-old mother of two went to the hospital with serious facial injuries and is at risk of a retinal detachment.

The 33-year-old was brought before the Prosecutor on Monday, who – with the consent of the Investigator – ordered his pre-trial detention.

According to Star, the defendant told her that he intended to beat her so that she could not attend the christening of their 2.5-year-old child.

As the 28-year-old revealed, in fact, this was not the first time she was a victim of abuse by her estranged husband who, on the fateful morning, threatened to throw her into the Isthmus.

READ MORE: Nick Kyrgios requests that the assault charge be dismissed due to mental health issues.