CRETE: Foreigner hid his drug stash in an olive tree trunk!

olive tree crete

An entire olive grove in the area of ​​the Municipality of Phaistos in Crete had to be combed by local police on Wednesday morning to discover the hiding spot used by a foreigner to hide the drugs he was dealing in the wider area.

Finally, the hiding place was found inside… the trunk of an olive tree in the outdoor area, where a metal box containing 107 grams of cocaine was found well hidden!

The investigations continued at the foreigner’s house and at other places he used in the same area of ​​Phaistos Municipality, where 2.6 grams of cocaine was also found.

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The police handcuffed the foreigner and he was charged with possession, concealment and drug trafficking, with which he was referred to the District Attorney of Heraklion.

READ MORE: Mother of 12-Year-Old Girl Pimped Out To Over 200 Men in Greece Remanded in Custody.