Professor George Steiris arriving in Australia for ‘Unfinished Business’ of 1821 Greek Revolution

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Professor George Steiris, from the Department of Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, will be arriving in Sydney, Australia, to give a public talk on the 1821 Greek Revolution.

The talk, titled “Unfinished Business of 1821: Two Centuries after the Start of the Greek War of Independence” will take place on Tuesday 1 November, 7pm, at the Hall of AHEPA NSW Inc. (394-396 Princes’ Highway, Rockdale) and has been organised as part of the great 200th anniversary tribute to
the Greek Revolution, celebrated worldwide last year.

Professor Steiris teaches Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy at the National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens, but he has also taught at the University of Jyväskylä (Finnland), the University
of the Peloponnese, the Hellenic Open University, the University of Connecticut, Boston University,
and the Center of Hellenic Studies (Harvard University).

He has published six books and authored many peer-reviewed articles. His most recent publication is The Oxford Handbook of Dionysius the Areopagite (co-edited with M. Edwards and D. Pallis).